EXO claims July as “EXO MONTH”!

(for English: scroll below the line)
Om hun 5e solo concert “EXO PLANET #5 – EXplOration” te promoten, hebben de mannen de maand Juli geclaimed! De officiële tijdlijn kan je hieronder zien samen met de “EXO MONTH” introductie die gepost werd via Instagram:
To promote their 5th solo concert “EXO PLANET #5 – EXplOration“, the men have claimed the month of July! You can check out the official timeline below including the “EXO MONTH” introduction that they posted on Instagram:
- July 1st – D.O. solo single “That’s Okay”
- July 10th – Baekhyun 1st mini album “City Lights”
- July 22nd – EXO-SC unit (Sehun & Chanyeol) mini album “What A Life”
- July 19th / 21st & July 26th / 28th – EXO‘s 5th concert at Seoul, South Korea.
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