Dance Cover Showcase: Fofy

Could you tell us who you are, where you’re from and why you have chosen this dance cover as your showcase?
Hii! I’m Fofy, I’m Syrian & I live in the Netherlands. I’ve chosen the cover “Cry For Me by TWICE” as my showcase because it’s my favorite recent cover and I had so much fun recording it!
(interview continues after the dance cover)
So how long did you have to study the choreography?
It took me one hour to learn the whole choreography, one day before recording the cover. I also prefer to practice everything together before recording. So in total it took me around 1:30h to perfect the choreography of “Cry For Me”.
How long does it normally take for you to memorize the choreography?
It’s up to how difficult the choreography is. I think I have an average practice time of 40min-1:30h.
What was the most difficult part of the choreography?
For me, the first pre-chorus was the must difficult part of the choreography since it has so many different moves & it goes fast!
Were you surprised that the choreography was easy / difficult and why?
When I started to learn the choreography of “Cry For Me” I was surprised by how easy it is. When I first saw the choreo, it seemed so complicated and hard, but when I tried it and started feeling the beat of the song: it was just so much fun to dance!
How did you come up with your outfit?
I picked the colors Black & White for my outfit, because I think they suit the song concept the most. I was also inspired by Sana’s concept outfits!
Are there hidden bloopers / secrets in your dance covers?
There’s one hidden blooper in my cover: I’ve changed a part of the ending chorus since it doesn’t suit my hair style.
If you could give one positive message / advice to anyone out there who loves to do K-pop dance covers, what would it be?
Make your start! Just make your start by doing what you love no matter how perfect you are and everything will be easy & fun!
And last but not least: If you could give a shout out to another K-pop dancer, because people need to see their showcase. Who would you like to give a shoutout to and why?
I have so many favorite K-pop dancers, but if I had to choose, I’ll go for @lemoncovers & I think they are both really powerful dancers. I always enjoy their covers and they give me a lot of positive vibes. ^^
Official social media links:
Instagram: @h_fofofy
Youtube: Fofy
TikTok: @fofofy0